Oh my, I haven't written in so long. My internship ends this week, and next term will involve much, much more sitting in front of the computer procrastinating (death, please, death), which will mean more blogging. Does anyone read this, anyway? I have no idea. It doesn't really matter, anyway.
I started this post because I was bursting with creative energy after coming up with some ridiculous and hilarious (to us) stuff with my BFF while listening to Scharpling and Wurster put us to shame, and now I realize I don't have much to talk about. Let's talk about live comedy in 2009 (and by that I mean gloat), in case I don't post again before the end of the year (but I will, I swear). 2009 was a truly spectacular year for me in terms of live comedy. After an amazing trip to see Stella in NYC at the end of 2008, I lost all inhibition and went wherever I wanted to see whomever I wanted during 2009. Or so it seemed at the time. Let's look at some highlights:
1. San Francisco SketchFest (San Francisco, January 15-31, various venues)
2. Just For Laughs Chicago (June 17-21, Chicago, various venues)
3. Just For Laughs Toronto Gala Show (Toronto, July 17th, Massey Hall)
4. Del Close Marathon 11 (NYC, August 14-16, UCB Theatre/various)
5. David Cross (Toronto, October 2nd, Queen Elizabeth Theatre, no pictures, review here)
6. Paul F. Tompkins (Toronto, October 25th, Rivoli, review here)
7. Todd Barry (Toronto, November 21st, Comedy Bar)
AND I'm going to NYC on December 18th for a few days. My trip will definitely involve a lot of UCBT, my favourite place in the world. Pretty great year.
Pretty good list, right? Happy to see Invite Them Up, PFT, Hamburger, and Sharpling and Wurster, surprised to see Posehn, Williams, FotC, and Koechner/Allen, would make different Patton, Bamford and Cross choices, would have liked to see the CDR compilation, Andy Daly's Nine Sweaters, Jen Kirkman's Self-Help, Showalter's Sandwiches and Cats, John Mulaney's The Top Part, Silverman's Jesus is Magic (given the inclusion of Galifianakis' DVD).
I'll probably write more about this later, right now I'm off to hang out with a teeny baby.
Oh, but first: new Between Two Ferns! With Conan! Check it.
Paul F. Tompkins was outstanding in Toronto last Sunday. I wrote a review for MONDO Magazine, and that review is here. Thanks for reading if you get a chance!
I hate that I'm not here right now. Half the people I love in the world are there.
I love (see how I did that?) that Paul Rust is doing this. Such a funny guy. In the above picture he is performing at the 11th annual Del Close Marathon with Neil Campbell as the Stovetop Boys, two tiny improvisors forced to perform on top of a hot stove. They did not stop hopping while performing hilarious improv for fifteen minutes. Brilliant, no?
When people who have made filthy comedic choices have children, I often wonder how much they dread some of their material rearing its ugly head as their children get older (probably because my own sense of humor is way too questionable for me to be around children--whoops). This quote from a Kansas University interview with Michael Ian Black made me smile:
"JP: What will your kids think?
MIB: I'm sure my kids will be deeply mortified by me when they get old enough to see my work. We made a Stella video where we took turns sucking Ms. Claus' dick. I'm sure that won't go over well with my children but what are you going to do? This is who I am."
I can only hope and dream that the father of my future children will have some seasonal dick-sucking videos in his past! Damn. Some of my many, many readers may have read Black's children's book Chicken Cheeks. I bought it last year and loved it, then brought it into my JK class, and they couldn't get enough of it. I read it over and over. It is a very fun way to encourage kids to have fun with language, and, not to take things too far here, but is even a great way to approach diversity in a Kindergarten classroom. Plus you get to try not to think about all MIB's filthy material as you read it to the innocent, beautiful children in front of you.
Speaking of MIB, I had to miss the Detroit show due to a very special Thanksgiving migraine+cold combination. I felt thankful that winter is coming, which means that I'll have fewer migraines. Then I remembered that winter means I stop enjoying life because it's too cold, so I guess my life is lose-lose! Just kidding, it's definitely win-win, or at least win-lose. Anyway, in an attempt to self-soothe (though it oddly didn't help my headache), I caught up with a few of my favourite podcasts. I'm not sure I've mentioned on here how much I love and adore podcasts. I subscribe to about 30 of them, mostly comedy-related (but some have to do with my many other interests, I swear), and have time to listen to apx. 3 a week, so my listened:unlistened ratio is not great, but I enjoy every minute of them. Free jokes! My favourite thing. Let's talk about a few of my favourites, shall we? I have a bunch - let's do some today, some another time.
Comedy Death-Ray (no radio) is an extremely popular weekly show at UCBLA featuring numerous excellent guest stand-ups every week, curated by very funny comedy partners (and Mr. Show alums) Scott Aukerman and B.J. Porter. A few months ago Aukerman started CDR Radio on LA's Indie 103.1, available through the old-fashioned airwaves, streaming online, and through itunes. He's a good host with a knack for knowing when to step back and let comics do their thing and when to step in and amp up/control the funny, and the guests (who have included Rob Huebel, Aziz Ansari, Andy Samberg, Zach Galifianakis, Thomas Lennon, Bob Odenkirk, Charlyne Yi, Chris Hardwick, Chelsea Peretti, Natasha Leggero, and more!) are always fantastic. This show makes me laugh every week. Must bring special attention to Matt Besser's Bjork impression from episode 15, which made me laugh like a F-ING MANIAC.
Very funny veteran LA comic Jimmy Pardo hosts NNF with producer Matt Belknap, also known as the creator and over-seer of A Special Thing, a very sacred place for nerds like moi. This is the only podcast I listen to that has a subscription fee, but the $20 a season is fully worth it. The show would be good with only Pardo and Belknap's banter, but the always-outstanding guests such as Maria Bamford [note - every podcast on this list could do with more ladies, but that's another topic for another time], Paul F. Tompkins, Rob Corddry, Andy Richter, Jen Kirkman, Matt Walsh and others help the show live up to its name.
Despite a certain affection for pot humour/ists who celebrate being high while performing/creating/living, I'm not really a huge fan of Doug Benson's stand-up. However, I do think he's a very funny guy in other contexts, and I tend to really like anything he does where he interacts with other people - I enjoyed Super High Me, I love his live show The Benson Interruption, and I love Doug Loves Movies. (And I truly didn't mean to steal the name of this blog from him.) I like his hosting style because he is not only funny, but he's very relaxed and sets up a very relaxed atmosphere for his guests on the stage of UCBTLA, making for a show that embraces guests' tangents, rants, and riffs, bringing their own movie knowledge to the table. That being said, Benson is very good at keeping the focus on movies, and let's not forget that he knows his shit. He may be high, he may be relaxed, he may be giggly, but he knows movies. Also worth checking out for the amazing, beloved theme song by Hard N' Phirm. Guests have included David Cross, Bob Odenkirk, Chris Hardwick, Olivia Munn, Rob Huebel, Paul Scheer, Dana Gould, and Leonard Maltin Game Champion Patton Oswalt.
Tom Scharpling hosts this weekly three-hour (they fly by, I swear) program that can be heard on New Jersey's WFMU, through online streaming, or via podcast. The show offers a bit of everything including music (the songs are removed for the podcast, unfortunately, but Scharpling knows pretty much everything there is to know about music, so it's still very satisfying for music-lovers), interviews (Ted Leo, Paul F. Tompkins and Aimee Mann are frequent guests), and comedy - planned and unplanned. The unplanned comedy emerges from Scharpling's conversations with listeners who call in to answer questions of the week or tell stories they deem interesting enough for radio. Tom Scharpling is a very respected man in the world of comedy despite not actually being a comedian - he writes for Monk, and has written for Tom Goes to the Mayor (a particular favourite of yours truly) as well as The Onion and Harp Magazine. His quick wit and gruff way (also: sexy, sexy voice) would make the show well worth listening to without any added bonuses. But - enter Jon Wurster with bonuses galore. Wurster is another hilarious non-comedian; although he has written for TGTTM and Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!, his day job is drumming for Superchunk and The Mountain Goats. Fans like me, however, love him most for his (almost) weekly call into The Best Show as either a returning character or a new addition to Scharpling and Wurster's fictional world of Newbridge, New Jersey. Since the conception of The Best Show, the duo has added to the vast Newbridge landscape (literally and figuratively) through truly genius conversations/arguments between Scharpling and the eccentric characters they've created, played by Wurster, all with extensive histories and linked mythologies. It's hard to describe. In Scharpling's own words (presumably), from his tumblr site:
"Jon Wurster, the drummer of bands including Superchunk, the Mountain Goats, and Robert Pollard’s most recent touring band, will call in as a character with a seemingly innocent request, or under the guise of an interview. The duo then performs a sort of slow-burn comedy in which Wurster begins letting out little bits of information to the host, usually horrible, until Wurster’s character drives Scharpling to the limit, and occasionally threatens his life.
One example is “The Gorch” (aka Ronald Gorchnick) who called in claiming to be the real-life inspiration of The Fonz, and expressed his love of chain-fighting, and began a several year trip to beat Tom up, resulting in The Gorch passing out in the WFMU studios. Another character is Philly Boy Roy, a Philadelphian with a strange voice an an unabashed hatred for Tom, as well as the state of New Jersey. Instead he loves everything Philly: hoagies, Tastycakes, and The Hooters."
Also from the tumblr site, here's a video made out of Philly Boy Roy's dream movie, ad-libbed on air with Patton Oswalt:
Nothing does Scharpling and Wurster's chemistry and originality justice besides the bits themselves, the funniest of which have been compiled into five albums, which I strongly urge you to check out. Also, there is a newer, bi-weekly podcast called Best Show Gems, featuring only highlight moments from podcasts gone by, usually under 30 minutes. Also, did you see the picture? They are adorable. Male comedy partners, why must you turn me on so? I love your bromance almost as much as I hate the word 'bromance'.
Okay, I would love to talk about some other podcasts, particularly those put together by Jesse Thorn, but Aziz Ansari is on David Letterman so I'm outtie 5000.Oh, before I go, can I just say how happy I am for Tom Lennon and Ben Garant"? Couldn't happen to funnier, nicer (based on the one time I met them and what I glean from commentary tracks) guys.
What possessed me to think I could/would post every day for a week, even on the subject of my beloved David Cross? I have way too little computer time to do that right now. Worst blog ever. I did have a lot in my head, though, so just try to imagine what you missed out on.
Because I don't feel comfortable not attending every comedy festival in the USA/Canada, I can't help but wish I was in Solvang right now for the UCB's Ultimate Comedy Bash, featuring the original four UCB-ers in a reunion Asssscat show, among many other funny people. Other festivals I haven't attended/won't attend this month and last include the Eugene Mirman Comedy Festival (click link for video), Tig Notaro's Brightest Young Things Festival, and the Vancouver Global Comedyfest, about which comics and comedy nerds alike had a lot to say. I am, however, going to see Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter in Detroit in a couple days. The Michaels always make me laugh, so I'm pretty excited for that.
Speaking of things that make me laugh (unlike every other post in this blog), I thought the Jim/Pam wedding episode of the Office last night was phenomenal. It was goofy, disastrous, and funny enough that I worried about waking the sleeping baby I was sitting with my guffaws, but sentimental enough to remember a time when I didn't find Jim and Pam annoying and wanted them to live happily ever after. Very satisfying. Kudos, writer Mindy Kaling and director Paul Feig. Another comedic bright spot on my television screen right now is Parks and Recreation. When it debuted last year, I told friends, family, colleagues, mentors, servers, garbage collectors that one thing the show needed was to let Aziz Ansari and Aubrey Plaza bring more funny while increasing their characters' likeability. Now, I'm not saying I'm responsible for the improvement this season, but I can't help but notice they've taken my advice. I love Aziz, who makes me laugh on TV and the internet. Also, as always, Louis CK had been fantastic in his guest role. I would wish he could stick around if it didn't mean he might not be able to focus on his upcoming FX show. Speaking of upcoming FX shows, Nick Kroll and Paul Scheer, two of the funniest people in the world, have one too. Oh, TV!
Watch this video starring Bobby Bottleservice, my favourite Nick Kroll character!
Well, I almost went to bed before remembering it's David Cross Week. On day 2!! I'm the worst. I'm very tired from making a giant coconut tree for school tomorrow (but also from going to the movies), so here's one of my favourite bits that I could find quickly on YouTube. Terrible blogging! Anyway, this bit an example of my favourite kind of material from Cross: smart observations of how ridiculous many of the media/product-producing members of the world are. I think most of this clip is on his fantastic tour DVD, Let America Laugh. If you don't have the DVD and are a Cross fan, I urge you to buy it immediately. It's a great look at his life on tour and captures many organic funny moments, giving you an idea of what his sense of humour is like offstage. Also, Variety Shac's Shonali Bhowmik is in it. Love her.
Now that I'm sure everyone has stopped reading this, I've decided to start blogging again. I never decided to stop, but I had a pretty draining summer, and writing of any sort fell off my list of priorities. Now that school is in and I am actively pursuing excuses to procrastinate and new ways in which I can be an irresponsible teacher (there are so many!), I'm all over writing about every show I go to, and every internet video I see, NO MATTER HOW CRAPPY. Goody for you, readers! Goody for you.
I've decided this week on the blog will be David Cross week. That's because I'm seeing David Cross three times at the end of the week: one book reading, two stand-up shows. I know that's not normal. I swear I'm not a crazy stalker. Full-length shows from him are rare these days, and this man has always been, and likely always will be, my favourite comedian, and possibly all-around person. This is someone who was fundamental in the formation of my ideas about comedic and political expression of all forms, who makes me laugh harder than anyone else (besides a select couple of friends), whose sensibility and ideas I admire, who uses heart and intellect to perform at the top of his ability in everything he does. OMG!!! Not normal, Meagan!! The point is, this is someone I really admire. Do I also want to bear his little bald children? Yes. But that's beside the point.
Friends, if you live in the great US of A, or know comedy fans who do, please get the word out there about Michael and Michael Have Issues, Michael Showalter and Michael Ian Black's new show on Comedy Central. Not enough people watched the series premiere Wednesday night. I've only seen a few clips because Comedy Network doesn't let us watch funny things in Canada, but what I have seen has been fantastic, Michael and Michael are brilliant comedy writers and performers, and if more people don't watch the show, it will end before the world gets to take them into her warm, soil-covered arms and embrace them!! If you want proof of the pure, gooey joy that is Michael and Michael, check out their earlier work as part of comedy troupes The State and Stella, Michael Showalter's beautiful The Baxter, Michael Ian Black's hilarious My Custom Van (on sale now!), Showalter's truly hilarious The Michael Showalter Showalter, both of their very funny blogs (see links above), both of their very funny stand-upalbums, and, of course, the classic Wet Hot American Summer. Look at all this! What more do you want from them?? Or me?? Links are fucking annoying!! Watch the show, Americans, GOD!!!
I'm the worst blogger in the world. Kids are exhausting. I'm settling into a new Nannying job. I imagine once I get in the groove I'll blog more.
And such an exciting week for comedy, too! The State DVD came out Tuesday, Michael and Michael premiered last night. Jon Benjamin's pilot got greenlit.
Tomorrow I will see two Just For Laughs gala shows featuring Sarah Silverman, David Cross, Arj Barker, Louis CK, Todd Glass, and John Mulaney (when I first saw Mulaney, I thought he was one of the funniest comics I'd ever seen, and I still think he's great, but I'm freaking sick of the same stuff. One new joke, John! Just one!). I will report back!
A brief but amusing (seemingly non-parody) old gameboy 2 commercial has popped up on youtube, featuring the hands and voices of Kerri Kenney (Reno 911, The Ten, Role Models), David Wain, Ben Garant (Reno 911, writer of many things), and Michael Showalter. I guess this would be from when they were all on The State together. Speaking of which, The State complete DVDs are available for pre-order on Amazon now! Very exciting.
In other David Wain news, I'm sure you know there are lots of new Wainy Days up on My Damn Channel, each one supposedly funnier than the last. I'm saving them so I can blow my comedy wad all at once. Why must I be so crude? No one will ever marry me.
I'm really late to the proverbial game (probably because I would never be on time for any sort of real-life game - to quote Mayim Bialik (Blossom), "I hate lineups" --if anyone gets that reference, please, please comment!!!) on this FoD video that I've been meaning to watch for ages:
It would be hypocritical to suddenly claim to be a huge fan of Casey Wilson on SNL, but I don't share negative views on message boards, and I'm now very curious about how many posted comments have to do with her body, which is beautiful, but probably carries the "extra" (barf) weight Tina Fey discussed in this winter's Vanity Fair as being detrimental on SNL. Anyway, that's a subject for another post. Love the solemn Patton Oswalt appearance.
Michaels, Rob: their normal, semi-uncomfortable picture-taking faces. (In fact, on Sunday night Showalter looked at someone's picture of him and said 'yup, that's my picture-taking face.') Jon: going for it.
Have not "found time" (too busy watching hours of Reno 911 and reading bitchy comedy message boards, putting in a few minutes of paper-writing here and there) to post my Chicago show reviews, but will do in next couple days. I am the worst for writing things long-hand and then not wanting to type them. I could never be a transcriber or court typist person.
For good measure, though: So unflattering of me, because I'm in a state of shock and awe, but there you have it. The dream, it came true.
And I have it all written down. But I'm too tired to type it out. Tired from laughing, that is!! But also from making my way around Chicago in the blistering heat/torrential rain for six days. But check back!
Not safe for work, and highly offensive if you're offended by things!!
You can watch most of these in higher quality in the Eug-tube section of Eugene's website. You just can't embed them individually in your blog so that you can impose your favourites on other people instead of conveniently linking to all of them.
Itunes tells me it has been almost exactly one year since I've last listened to Michael Showalter's Sandwiches and Cats, his hilarious debut comedy album released in late 2007. The reason I haven't listened to it for a year is that I listened the shit out of it between November 2007 and May 2008, and had to take a long break. I'm listening now in anticipation of seeing Showalter in Chicago on the 21st, and I am reminded how amazing the album is. So smart, so ridiculous, so dirty. Just the way I like it.
Hey, want to see some adorable pictures of Michael and Michael having issues? The fantastic Michael and Michael Have Issues Blog is home to plenty of pictures, amusing updates, and stand-up. For those who like the Michaels in smaller, more frequent doses, follow Writer Assistant @stephiegrob on Twitter for updates. The show debuts in the US on July 15th, and the Michaels are performing at Brooklyn's The Bell House that night, followed by a live screening of the premiere. Anyway, the adorable pictures.
Sho dances adorably.
Sho laughs adorably. Note comedian/MMHI writer Jessi Klein in second picture. She's funny AND a girl!
Oh yeah, Black is also adorable, and they're BFFL
Oh whoops, how did that get in there??? My mistake.
Also, Kumail Nanjiani is beautiful, have you heard?
Do comedians take comedy blogs seriously when the blogger just writes about how much s/he wants to bone them?? This is an awful blog.
On the 18th I'm heading to Chicago for Just For Laughs. I'll be seeing Robert Smigel and Dino Stamatopoulos, Bob Odenkirk's Best of Sketchfest (twice), Bob and David and Friends (twice), and Michael Showalter. Very excited. Will I blog about it? I'll blog the shit out of it.
Dang! The big wigs made Scott Aukerman take down his blog entry about the MTV awards! What's the point in doing anything cool if you can't blog about it??
So, I think we can all agree that although the MTV Awards have some unavoidable, built-in suckiness (having to show ten thousand goddamn previews instead of comedy, or, imagine that, awards; giving away awards that don't mean anything (though how many awards actually do?) to people that shouldn't even be eligible (Ashley Tisdale winning Breakout Star for Highschool Musical 3?? Don't they understand what the 3 means??), a quarter of the screen taken up by live tweeting (we have computers, mtv!!), etc.), last night's awards were better than most because:
a) They were hosted by my boyfriend Andy Samberg b) The very funny Scott Aukerman was head writer c) Aziz Ansari was on screen, albeit for a few seconds d) Miley gave that ridiculous acceptance speech where she praised God and screamed "I'M ON A BOAT!!!" in that weird man-voice of hers e) BRUNO
Scott Aukerman tweets that Eminem was in on the joke last night, but that doesn't make it any less funny. Oh, Sasha. Can't I show you around the baby-machine?? Read more of what Scott has to say about the show here.
In other comedy news...well, Zach Galifianakis is all over the TTC, and that makes me happy.
Well, the good thing about getting caught up in teaching and consequently posting infrequently (besides being interested in real life instead of comedy by people I don't know) is that when I do post, it's usually because I have something awesome to share! And that something awesome is this:
Who knew we'd get another BTF so soon? It may or may not have something to do with the fact that both Brad Cooper (who I love, by the by) and Zach are in the upcoming The Hangover, but promotion or not, I like whatever gets more Zach to my eyeballs. My watching machines. I'm excited for The Hangover, as well as Zach's other upcoming flick The Visioneers, also starring the amazing Judy Greer. Good times in movieland. If only that popcorn wasn't dry as so many bones.
My day was made early this morning when Michael Ian Black ('s Twitter) directed me (and 500 000 fellow followers) to a rip of The State's unreleased 1995 comedy album! Trying to figure out .rar files. I downloaded a free trial of winzip, but how can I make it so that I can listen to the album after the trial is done?
Yaaay! The fourth season of David Wain's hilarious and award-winning web series Wainy Days starts today. If you have not watched the first three seasons, I strongly suggest you do so. And, as always, wishing so hard that I was in Brooklyn so that I could to go the amazing Wainy Days Live tonight, featuring Michaels Showalter and Ian Black, Paul Rudd, and more. Instead I will hand-feed mushy sweet potato to a one year-old, try to get some tempra paint out of my work clothes, and go to bed. Blerg.
Hey folks, Scott Aukerman of Comedy Death Ray (and, yes, Mr. Show) is twittering that the latest amazing installment of Between Two Ferns with Zach Galifianakis needs 100 000 hits in order for Funny or Die to let them do another one. So please watch it numerous times, and spread the word to your comedy-loving friends. And your Natalie Portman-loving friends. And your dog-loving friends. Something for everyone.
Also, if you're American, watch Reno 911 tonight.
I want to talk about Nick Swardson, The Office, and Maria Bamford, but am just too tired. Nothing left to give. Next time!
Thanks to Amy for a link to a great, longer Kumail Nanjiani set from a couple months ago, opening for Zach Galifianakis at comedy Mecca 92Y Tribeca in Brooklyn. I'm now about to watch an old Zach Comedy Central special on my non-internet box, a.k.a. TV. He looks like a sweet little teeny baby. With a beard. Talking about pedophiles.
Kumail Nanjiani is a Brooklyn comic who toured with Stella on some of their tour last year, and is now working (and blogging!) on Michael and Michael Have Issues. This is beside the point, but if you know anything about my taste in men, you'll know that he pretty much has it all. Yet another reason why I should move to Brooklyn. Or why I shouldn't, because I already have a lot of comics to stalk there. I'd never get anything done.
I can only wish and hope, for all of your sakes, that you're reading about Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter's time leading up to the shooting of Michael and Michael Have Issues. I wish this because it is the most enjoyable blog this side of...blogtown. You can read funny posts and see funny videos, as well as videos that aren't that funny but let you into the PROCESS, and pay off in the end, like this one:
I laughed so very hard at Thursday-night TV last night. 30 Rock killed me as always, Parks and Rec was very good (though I still want Aziz's character to be nicer and funnier because Aziz is so good), and The Office was truly fantastic. I won't spoil anything, but Kate Flannery once again proved how fearlessly hilarious she is. For those who may not know, Flannery has been a comedy superstar for years, co-founding the Annoyance Theatre Ensemble, sprouting many funny things and people, and The Lampshades, who recently performed at SF Sketchfest, though I didn't get to see them. --Segue alert!! Announcement: I am going to the Just For Laughs festival in Chicago on June 17th! I will be seeing the Michaels twice, and then Bob and David and Friends, which is clearly the main draw. I have never seen David Cross live. This could be my only chance, so I have to make it count. By that I mean making some very questionable choice you'll see on the news. Look out for that.
EDITED TO ADD: When I said that Bob and David are clearly the main draw, it's only because I haven't seen them live before, while I've seen the Michaels a number of times in a variety of contexts (not to sound braggy, even though I purposely structured that sentence to make you feel jealous). It's not that I don't love the Michaels as much as Bob and David. Oh, what's that? You're wondering if I've met them, and if we're great friends? Hmm, let me search back in my memory. DOES THIS ANSWER YOUR QUESTION???
I will be watching the best of Amy Poehler on Saturday Night Live tomorrow night, will you? Actually, that's kind of a lie because I likely will not be home to watch it, but it seemed like a more interesting way of letting you know that I love Amy Poehler and that you should watch the show than just telling you that I love Amy Poehler and that you should watch the show. Capiche?
I'm enjoying Parks and Rec so far...a little bumpy here and there, and I'm hoping both Aziz and Rashida will have more of a chance to flex their comedy muscles, but I'm sure they will, and I have no doubt this will be another acclaimed hit for Schur and Daniels. Speaking of which, I'm loving the new Office direction...it's definitely the kick in the pants the show needed.
I bought John Mulaney's The Top Part over the weekend, and highly reccommend it. His set was a highlight of SF Sketchfest for me, and the album doesn't disappoint. Maria Bamford's new album Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome comes out on the 21st, and that should be fantastic as well. I really wish Tig Notaro would release an album. I'm so obsessed with her. Which brings me to...In The Motherhood. Is anyone watching this? I really want to love it for the following reasons: a) It's based on a web series created by a (non-mother!) funny woman (Chelsea Handler), is written and directed by many talented women, and involves potentially three-dimensional, funny female characters b)Tig Notaro is in it c) Ken Marino is in it d) Horatio Sanz is in it e) Shows about kids and parents are generally really unfunny, so making one that is actually funny could change comedy as we know it and could specifically change the 'mom' role in comedy f) Rachel Harris is in it. The problem is that I'm not actually loving it, really. The plots are bland and formulaic, the main characters (also bland) don't seem to stray much from their 'type of mom' categories, and the performances aren't particularly funny (except for Tig! I love you, Tig!!). I believe Cheryl Hines and Megan Mulally have it in them to give strong comedic performances. I just really want a comedy about women to be really funny. Make it work, people!!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Youall, I am sick so am just going to post lamely about this now, but more later: Comedy Central is giving Reno 911 the shaft in terms of promoting their amazing sixth season! Although we don't get Comedy Central in Canada, you can support Reno 911 by watching it on the Comedy Network and letting them know via the internet that you love it and want more. Because who wouldn't? You can also spread the word to your friends and family. I haven't seen any of the sixth season, but according to cast members it's supposed to be the best yet! And I'm sure they wouldn't just say that! I love this show. Watch it!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Okay, school has finally, finally slowed down some. I'm back! With a little Easter miracle for you: Michael and Michael are blogging in anticipation of the new series debuting in July. We won't see it until who knows when here in Canada (I hate-love you, Canada), but I am SO EXCITED nonetheless. Rumour has it that the premiere might coincide with the LONG-awaited release of The State on DVD, which would be truly amazing. It will also coincide with something going on in Reno 911-ville that I'm too lazy to research despite my deep love of Reno 911, which I've been watching for the past two days. Kerri Kenney is my hero.
Hey! Hey! Bad news and good news. Bad news first? Michael Showalter will not be a guest on Jimmy Fallon tonight. Good news? He will be doing a bit with head writer and long-time collaborator AD Miles on the show! AD Miles told me (the internet) on Twitter. That bad news isn't even really bad news, because Showalter was never scheduled or rumored to be a guest! Psych!
When crunch time is over in three weeks' time, I will be posting more often. I have visions of a summer spent in my dark basement, huddled over my computer, hands working feverishly, just as the unibomber huddled over his bombs (topical!). As I wrote in an earlier post, though, I compulsively "make" time to check some of my favourite comedians' Twitter updates. I think Twitter might be the best thing to happen to internet comedy since that Spaghetti Cat video on youtube. I have many comedians as Facebook friends, and their status updates are often funny, or at least generally more entertaining than most updates ("Meagan hates Mondays :("), but there's so much more room on facebook for them to spread their wings - they can post videos and pictures, they can create events out of shows and product releases, they can get annoyed by being tagged over and over again in those awful and weird Mr. Men/Southpark characters/etc. pictures. But Twitter has one focus, and one focus only: post what you're doing, thinking, etc., in 140 characters or less. Ultimately, most comedians on there probably see it, at least in part, as a promotional tool - the more followers you have, the more random people and industry people alike will see your face as they navigate Twitterverse. Virtual-fandom is becoming more and more legitimate and coveted by all entertainers. However, by the same token, the standards for virtual entertainment are rising, even when the entertainers in question only have 140 characters to work with. Making people laugh with so few characters is a challenge, requiring sharp wit and quick thinking. The twitterverse moves at the speed of light, or at least the speed of chubby little fingers and beady eyes trained by video games and MTV (or so I'm told) to get in, scoff, and get out. A lot of comedians are delivering, posting frequent, funny updates. Some are more frequent than funny, some more funny than frequent, but the point remains that it's free, real-time entertainment. Not to mention the fact that followers can communicate with their followees (or, I suppose, leaders, though that adds a strange power dynamic to the non-relationship), and if that 140-character comment is interesting enough, one is likely (well, semi-likely...trust me) to get a response. Almost as good as live.
Here are some of my favourite Twitter-ers, some intentionally funny, some not (Diddy). For a more comprehensive list of who I think is worth following, see here. Because I know my opinion means a lot. A lot.
A note about Watch With Comics: a bunch of comedians live-twittered the Oscars in connection with WWC, and it was extremely enjoyable to watch. Most of the jokes were very funny, and it was inspirational to watch the rapid-fire creativity. They'll be live-twittering other events, so keep an eye out.
I am insanely busy with school. No time for my favourite things. When I have a few minutes, I'll rant about The Sarah Silverman Program being cancelled, and probably talk about how cute Michael Showalter's cat movies are. I don't even have time to link those things.
**EDIT: THIS JUST IN! Steve Agee told me (and by me I mean the internet) on Twitter that CC changed their minds and there WILL be a SSP third season! Hooray! Female comics will come out on top after all!
Yes, I still make time for Twitter. I love you, Twitter.
Also, Tig Notaro is nominated for the funniest comedy clip of 2008 at Comedy Smack. I don't know how prestigious the title is, but I do think this is the funniest clip, so I'm plugging it! Vote. I love her.
And yes, I got all this news via Twitter. I'm an addict.
I want to post about how much I enjoyed all the comedic live-twittering going on during the Oscars, and I will tomorrow, but quickly: Michael Ian Black declares twitter-war (twar?) against LeVar Burton! He's always making the internet more exciting by sticking it to the man. In this case the man is a major supporter of early literacy and was in Roots, but STILL. Follow Black here.
I've been talking a lot about Twitter, I know. But only because it's the future of entertainment! Just ask Ashton Kutcher.
Lots of comics live-tweeting the Oscars here. I feel kind of silly writing 'tweeting,' but at the same time I LOVE TWITTER. If you're on, add me! My twit-name is my real name.
I know that you'd rather hear what I think than read about the show itself, so let me just say I could not be more excited. These guys are incredibly sharp and creative, and I think the premise and format of the show will be really fun for them to work with and for us to watch. To read more, click on any of the above links.
I find this brief article about the show pretty funny for its inaccuracies. If I read more of people writing about other people's work, rather than getting most of my information either from the source or really, really nerdy people, I'd probably see this more and wouldn't find it so amusing, but so many holes in the research! First of all, the hilarious The Michael Showalter Showalter is not a partner project, but is Showalter's show(alter), on which Black has guested twice. It doesn't sound to me like MMHI is based on the web series at all, and I haven't read that anywhere else. Also, while it is true that both Michaels have appeared on Reno 911! and that Stella had a Comedy Central Presents special, let's not forget that they also had a SERIES on Comedy Central. Cancelled after one season, yes, but definitely a cult hit, and the network has to have made some money off DVD sales. Lastly, while it is true that Black co-founded The State, Showalter was also a co-founder, which seems pretty relevant to this article.
Anyway. That was really nerdy of me.
I wonder if I have some photo of the Michaels laying around somewhere I could post as a reference point...I wonder...oh wait! Here's one:
I will use this blog as more than a pictorial bragging outlet, I swear. I also use it for self-promotion: here is a more convenient link to my first Mondo article about SF Sketchfest. Second and third chapters to come.
I forgot that I wanted to say how happy I was to see Zak Orth on 30 Rock last week. He's always funny, no matter how small the part. I wonder if I have a picture of him hanging around somewhere. Hmmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm. Oh yeah, HERE IT IS:
David Wain is live-blogging the Oscars! Should be much more entertaining than the show itself, which is hosted by...Hugh Jackman? Is that true?
I really enjoyed the premiere of Important Things with Demetri Martin on Wednesday night. While I like his stand-up (and don't really agree with the Steven Wright comparison in the globe article I linked to, despite Martin's dryness), it was especially great to see him more animatedly doing sketches. Particularly since he was joined by Jon Benjamin, who heightens anything he's in. Also promising is that John Mulaney (see Mondo article) is a writer. The format is getting a lot of talk, but I think it works. Apparently this was Comedy Central's biggest premiere since Chappelle's Show. Kudos to you, Demetri Martin, kudos to you.
Tonight is Conan's last show! Kind of sad, even though I haven't watched it reguarly for a really long time. I can't even comment on the quality now, because I watch it so infrequently, but I very clearly remember discovering it as a hard-to-please adolescent, and realizing there was actually weird, funny stuff on late night. I've been re-watching (well, listening to) Mr. Show commentary over the last few nights, and it's great to hear Bob Odenkirk and Dino Stamatopoulous talk about writing with Conan pre-Mr. Show, re-emphasizing how much weirder and darker his own sense of humor is than someone like, say, Jay Leno. So I'm glad he's replacing Jay Leno, one of my least favourite people to ever tell a joke, and I'm very glad that Jimmy Fallon is replacing Conan, with A.D. Miles by his side as head writer. Fallon talks about hiring him here. I believe in you, Jimmy!
I'm really enjoying Eugene Mirman's book The Will to Whatevs so far. I'm impressed that he was able to capture his somewhat disjointed (in a good way), conversational stand-up style on paper while keeping the book cohesive. It's hard to make non-sequiturs work on paper, I think, and he manages to do it. Via The Apiary, here's a video:
After five days with no access to celebrity gossip or comedian twittering, I have my computer back! I have some stuff to say, but am determined to stay in schoolwork-mode for a few more hours. However, there's always time for a little self-promotion. Check out my first of three articles about SF Sketchfest in Mondo Magazine here: http://www.mondomagazine.net/?p=4137.
Oh, pain! Comedy bloggers and joke-tellers alike (including Tompkins, who is also facebooking) are twittering from Eugene Mirman's book release show in Brooklyn, making non-attendees like myself drool in jealousy. Sounds like a fantastic event, featuring Paul F. Tompkins, Sarah Vowell, John Hodgman, Kristen Schaal, John Oliver, etc. Hmm, what was that one other thing I am reading (in real time!) about the event...that thing that made me look to the gods in desperation...who is in the audience...oh yeah, just David Cross. With Amber Tamblyn. Death!
Brooklyn comedy fans who aren't at that show can likely be found at Seth Herzog's weekly SWEET show, with a special Valentine's Day edition this week. The very funny Craig Baldo is performing, as is the one and only David Wain (actually, I think he's DJing, according to what I remember from his Twitter post. Twitter has become my primary source of information/pain). SWEET is NYC's longest continuously-running weekly comedy show, always featuring a great lineup as well as the likelihood of getting to see Seth Herzog dance.
My copy of Mirman's The Will to Whatevs arrived today, and I am very, very excited to read it. Mirman ended his SF Sketchfest performance at the Stella show by playing a few videos of pieces from the book, and they were extremely funny. However, I am not letting myself read it until I can do so without feeling guilty about the pile of schoolwork across the room. Or tomorrow, whichever comes first.
Edited to add: Punchline Magazine is now twittering that David Cross is performing, and just prior to that, Kristen Schaal did a choreographed dance routine to Britney Spears' Toxic. That's just great.
I just taught myself basic html! Awesome. Why not start this thing off with a little Showalter...this NYT Weekender commercial spoof made its way around the internet universe within hours, so chances are you've already seen it. Though we don't have the Weekender commercials in Canada, so some of the humour may be lost, we can put two and two together and enjoy the buffet of NYC comedians (Michael Ian Black, David Wain, Jon Benjamin, Paul Rudd, Mike Birbiglia, Zak Orth, Kate Comer, Jacqueline Novak, Todd Barry, Eugene Mirman, Andrea Rosen, Leo Allen, Chelsea Peretti, Shonali Bhowmik). It's actually an ad for arts and community centre 92Y Tribeca, which is pretty much the best place in the world. Why, WHY don't I live in NYC??
Closer to home, Twitter alerted me to the fact that Comedy News actually ran a story about a "nasty" comic showcase in Toronto. Though I tend to enjoy 'nasty' humour, I guess, whatever that means, I didn't recognize any of the names because I am a horrible comedy snob who only pays attention to American and (to a lesser extent) British comedy. I am determined to change this by getting out to experience some Toronto comedy. Any suggestions?