Now that I'm sure everyone has stopped reading this, I've decided to start blogging again. I never decided to stop, but I had a pretty draining summer, and writing of any sort fell off my list of priorities. Now that school is in and I am actively pursuing excuses to procrastinate and new ways in which I can be an irresponsible teacher (there are so many!), I'm all over writing about every show I go to, and every internet video I see, NO MATTER HOW CRAPPY. Goody for you, readers! Goody for you.
I've decided this week on the blog will be David Cross week. That's because I'm seeing David Cross three times at the end of the week: one book reading, two stand-up shows. I know that's not normal. I swear I'm not a crazy stalker. Full-length shows from him are rare these days, and this man has always been, and likely always will be, my favourite comedian, and possibly all-around person. This is someone who was fundamental in the formation of my ideas about comedic and political expression of all forms, who makes me laugh harder than anyone else (besides a select couple of friends), whose sensibility and ideas I admire, who uses heart and intellect to perform at the top of his ability in everything he does. OMG!!! Not normal, Meagan!! The point is, this is someone I really admire. Do I also want to bear his little bald children? Yes. But that's beside the point.
To kick things off here at David Cross Week, here is his open letter to Larry the Cable Guy from 2007.
And just for kicks...
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